1. Nicolini C., Erokhin V., Paddeu S., Paternolli C., Ram M.K., Toward bacteriorhodopsin based photocells, Biosensors & Bioelectronics 14, 427-433, 1999.
  2. Ram M.K., Salerno M., Adami M., Faraci P., Nicolini C., Physical properties of polyaniline fimls: Assembled by the layer-bylayer technique, Langmuir 15, 1252-1259, 1999.
  3. Ram M.K., Adami M., Salerno S., Paddeu S., Nicolini C., Comparative studies on Languir-Schaefer films of polyanilines, Synthetic Metals 100, 249-259, 1999.
  4. Salerno M., Sartore M., Nicolini C., Towards a neural networks based on AFM, Probe Microscopy 1, 333-334, 1999.
  5. Vergani L., Fugazza G., Chessa L., Nicolini C., Changes of chromatin condensation in Ataxia telangiectasia disorder: a structural study, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 75, 578-586, 1999.
  6. Notargiacomo A., Foglietti V., Cianci E., Capellini G., Adami M., Faraci P., Evangelisti F., Nicolini C., Atomic force microscopy lithography as a nanodevice development technique, Nanotechnology 10, 458-463, 1999.
  7. Pepe I.M., Rhodopsin and phototransduction, Journal of  Photochemistry and Photobiology B 48, 1-10, 1999.
  8. Palmeri A., Pepe I.M., Rolandi R., Pagani S., Morelli A., Ion permeability induced by bacteriocins of Lactobacillus acidophilus M247 on artificial lipid membrane Material Science & Engineering C 8-9, 539-542, 1999.
  9. Pepe I.M., Cugnoli C., The homeostasis of calcium in vertebrate photoreceptor cell,Trends in Photochem. Photobiol. 6, 63-74, 1999.

3D Structures deposited in RCSB Protein Data Bank

Solution Structure of the Thioredoxin From Bacillus Acidocaldarius (PDB ID-code 1QUW)
Nicastro G., De Chiara C., Pedone E., Tato M., Rossi M., Nicolini C.